I write this as the newly elected president of this fantastic organization that we call the NCCCSPA. Though we are in the midst of yet another wave of illness that has turned our worlds upside down for nearly two years now, I still genuinely find myself excited for the future. I focus on the fact that our organization is coming out of this two-year hibernation and will again be holding our NCCCSPA Annual Conference this November in New Bern, the “City of the Bears” ( please pardon my dad humor there). This New Year is bringing a new venue for our conference in New Bern and we need new friends to join us there. I will be reaching out to the Division/Department Chairs at each of our schools and our awesome regional reps will be contacting each you personally as the year goes on. I look forward to recruiting as many new faces as possible to help us restart this fine organization after two lost years, so please get involved. I have sincerely missed the joyful comradery that NCCCSPA brings. I miss talking with fellow PSY and SOC faculty and learning so much from each of you through professional development that is actually useful and FUN! Let’s create a “new normal” by putting our all into this group that has meant so much to me, and hopefully many of you, over the years. Please reach out to me personally if you want to become more active. Whether you have never joined us before, are a long time member of the family, or are planning on returning after a long absence, I welcome you and look forward working with you in the best organization I’ve ever joined! How can you get more involved?
Let’s make 2022 a fresh start, but also come back to some semblance of “normal.” I look forward to working with each of you to build on the legacy and foundation that has been laid by my predecessors. Sincerely, Chris Schulte NCCCSPA President Psychology Instructor Coastal Carolina Community College
AuthorNCCCSPA Executive Board Archives
November 2023